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Matching artifacts: 1278

Artifact ID
Submitted by
Last Modified On
34357Give group permissions to a Tracker reportNewSandra Echinard (sechinard)2024-07-18 10:41
34358Visualize .ipynb and .rst files in Git pluginNewSandra Echinard (sechinard)2024-07-18 10:41
36869Artifact with "cancelled" statutNewLaurent Bertaud (lbe)2024-07-18 10:38
36872Sprint should be PI ChildNewLaurent Bertaud (lbe)2024-07-18 10:38
36873Sprints created in Scrum Team visible in ARTNewLaurent Bertaud (lbe)2024-07-18 10:38
36874Artifacts included in a PI or a sprint => Planned statusNewLaurent Bertaud (lbe)2024-07-18 10:38
37593Being able to make fields editable in the reportNewLaure Labeaume (llabeaume)2024-07-18 10:35
38269Date dashboardNewBIGGERI Mélanie (melaniebiggeri)2024-07-18 09:11
38673Importing a CSV file should take care of edition preferences.NewCyril DORCY (cdorcy)2024-07-18 09:10
38678multi tracker widget : more trackersNewCyril DORCY (cdorcy)2024-07-18 09:10
38671Project page super slow after upgradeNewOyabi (oyabi)2024-07-09 20:54
38646xref edition in TTM comment does not workVerifiedNicolas Terray (nterray)2024-06-27 15:39
38639Missing documentation for artifact deletion limit configuration in administration guideNewThomas Gorka (tgorka)2024-06-25 15:48
38313CSV import fail with blank doc and error 500 when emtpy lineNewGuilhem Bonnefille (CS) (gbonnefille)2024-06-18 10:21
27921Move packages with an independent typechecking step to VitestUnder implementationThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2024-06-17 12:01
38305Using a reference in a title breaks the edit linksVerifiedThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2024-06-12 15:35
37924Display Tuleap Function failure messageAcknowledgedManuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2024-06-10 16:50
38293Support searching LDAP user groups in multiple DNsAcknowledgedThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2024-06-06 15:16
38285"Swich to" modal cannot be opened on the References project admin pageVerifiedThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2024-06-04 17:05
38283Project structure export should include test management configurationVerifiedThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2024-06-04 14:32
38275List configuration variables and their usageNewManuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2024-05-31 12:05
38272Export artifacts to xlsx or docxNewCharbel Melhem (c.melhem)2024-05-29 18:15
37931Export items to xlsx or docxWaiting for informationCharbel Melhem (c.melhem)2024-05-29 18:14
38260Run test suites with MySQL 8.4 in the nightly pipelineUnder implementationThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2024-05-29 11:00
37919Allow usage of Docker Desktop for developmentUnder implementationBenoit Peytraud (bpeytraud)2024-05-23 16:07
38255Git: 2.44.1 -> 2.45.1Under reviewThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2024-05-23 15:29
38250Jenkins artifact post-action should be managed asynchronouslyVerifiedThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2024-05-22 11:09
9976Do not over compute disk statisticsNewManuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2024-05-16 16:38
36813Add Validating Tuleap FunctionsNewGuilhem Bonnefille (CS) (gbonnefille)2024-05-16 16:03
37938Add Korean translationUnder implementationJihyun Park (jhpark)2024-05-14 17:34
37939After Upgrade to Tuleap 15.8 from 15.1 with Php upgrade from 8.1 to 8.2 Login error is coming UpNewSoumik Debnath (soumikdebnath)2024-05-10 23:37
37936tuleap FRS errorNewYoungDo Kim (kimppong3)2024-05-09 02:26
37928Add tuleap:user set-email CLI commandAcknowledgedThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2024-05-06 10:56
37909tuleap git queue errorNewYoungDo Kim (kimppong3)2024-04-29 07:07
37913Link tracker artifacts to git notesNewAlex Newcomb (jupiter065)2024-04-26 19:16
37912Access Control for git notesNewAlex Newcomb (jupiter065)2024-04-26 19:03
37911DOMPurify: 3.0.11 -> 3.1.1Under reviewThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2024-04-26 16:44
37903Import project from archiveNewMarie Ange Garnier (marieange)2024-04-24 14:07
37583Placeholders order in translated stringsUnder implementationNicolas Terray (nterray)2024-04-22 17:47
37597Remove code related to the old SVN auth cacheUnder implementationThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2024-04-19 15:05
37582Can't generate cross tracker document from report with multiple table renderersNewMartin GOYOT (goyotm)2024-04-18 15:28
37587Permissions issue on docker tuleap Dev Build (leonidas_o)2024-04-17 14:43
36864Run Tuleap with PHP 8.3Under implementationThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2024-04-16 11:27
37573LDAP plugin site admin properties button has no effectNewJoris MASSON (jmasson)2024-04-12 10:57
33988Loading filtered kanban can be slowNewManuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2024-04-12 10:22
37572With fields=comments, limit & offset should apply only on commentsNewJoris MASSON (jmasson)2024-04-12 10:04
37561Better commit message for PR merge commit with self resolving conflictsNewJean-Marie Henaff (jmhenaff)2024-04-09 14:24 0.40.1 -> 0.42Under implementationManuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2024-04-03 09:49
37549Burndown/Burnup not displayed on one specific sprintNewBilly WEI (blwei)2024-04-02 16:47
29982Split `tlp` in smaller packagesUnder implementationJoris MASSON (jmasson)2024-03-30 11:21
Items 101150 of 1278Items per page :